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Всё понравилось, но Орфея убита знатно внешне . В любом случае хороший проэкт . Удачи и сяб за инг версию . Кстати почему тебе нельзя оценку  поставить на итче ?

Я рад, что вам понравился проект. Орфея Внешку поменяет снова и будет иметь все формы изменения, которые выбирают у меня на голосовании на Boosty. А оценку не включу из за токсиков; 3.

Ясно ,  от меня ты 5 звёздочек получил считай.  Это хорошо интересно увидеть как изменится , ибо Орфея любимый чар из всех, ну и Никси ещё . :)

Go to my Patreon there is a link to download the full version with cutscenes. I can't upload it to itch io because of the memory capacity.

Is english and russians version different ?

of course the Russian one already has 3 times as much content. I'm a Russian developer 

This game is a true masterpiece! It captivates with its thrilling storyline, beautifully drawn characters, and stunning atmosphere of romance and love. I just can't tear myself away from this game; it makes my heart beat faster and makes me believe in the true power of love. Thank you to the developer for the emotions I experienced from this game. I eagerly await the continuation and am ready to support any of your creative endeavors. Keep up the great work and continue to delight us with new content!

is there a way to rewatch the cutscene in the remake like a gallery or somthing


I really love visual novels that let you follow a romantic route, but I know how hard it is to put romance into a harem, but this game does it in a harmonious and natural way, it's in my top 10 visual novels Renpy without a doubt, good protagonist, and each girl is unique, this only makes the experience even better.

Скажите, пожалуйста, добавят ли в игру китайские субтитры?


Нет, но может в теории добавлю во 2-ю часть игры


Надеемся, что в кратчайшие сроки появится текст! Я бы порекомендовал эту игру своим китайским друзьям.


Боже это было шикарно Абсолют синема. Я даже порекомендовал тебя своим 4 корешам все прошли 10/10. А ради обновы 0.06 (я скачал буквально во время выхода, удачно зашел) пропустил все пары. Вообщем, ты крутой)




Hello, when will the next update be approximately??   


From the next version of the game will not be English. You can find out the reasons on Patreon

Здравствуйте можно ли узнать на андроид тоже вышел ремейк 


В следующем патче будет андроид.

я так понимаю, что мой коммент с предложением помочь с переводом на англ удалили почему-то, разраб не заинтересован ?

Если бы вас так интересовало помощь к игре, вы бы уже сто раз написали мне через Boosty или Patreon.  А если вы даже не подписаны там. Ну, значит, вам не особо есть дело до игры.

интересное мнение

Но его проверять мы конечно же не будем.😁😁😁😁


Замечательная игра, не думал, что данная игра мне так понравится. 

Обычно игры жанра 18+ играют лишь для одной цели, а после забывают, т.к. являются по большей части являются кликкерами, но данная игра зацепила меня сюжетом и конечно же прекрасными персонажами. 

Побольше лора и развития сюжета пожалуйста!)

(1 edit) (+3)

After having seen all current content (0.04), I'm ready to say my humble opinion about this game. In short, game has great potential, yet it has some mayor drawbacks:

1. The cut open access acts a way to limit the number of players willing to play the game. They miss high-quality animations without even knowing how great they are. 

2. The english adaptation is bad written. I've seen a lot of 'I'll forgive you' in random sentences where it makes no sense (I think you want to write 'Please' or 'Please, forgive me' instead of that). Moreover, some words are not even translated to English and they're left in Russian.

To solve this, I thought of some possible solutions to help the development of this game. I hope you take them into account!

1. Instead of cutting open access, give sneak peaks to Patrons and Boosty, make them have a version ahead of public access (Like, they would have now a '0.05' and public access would have '0.04'. When you release 0.06 for Patrons, release 0.05 for the public), etc. Make polls exclusive to Patrons to decide which H-scenes to make and put that in one of the many benefits of becoming a Patron.

2. English adaptation is really bad. Try and use Google Translator (or any other) instead and just fix the 'He/Him, She/her' problems it will present (Like when it tries to refer to Eve as He, change it to she). 

3. Make colabs with other authors of Hentai Visual Novels, it'll help you gain more support. 

4.If you ever decided to make an Android Port to this game, I would stronly recommend you to do it as soon as possible. A lot of people play these games on android, so you'll probably get more support doing so.

5. Change your profile and add a profile related to the game. 

Finally, I have to say that the game itself is very enjoyable. The animations are amazing and way better than most of the animations of populars VN. You're doing a very good job and I wish you the very best, developer! 

PD: Don't mind the websites where they try and publish your game without your consent. Focus just on giving your supporters what they like or would love to see added to the game.

Happy New Year btw!

Здравствуйте  подскажите пожалуйста кто-нибудь знает как называется  песня с главного меню


Ни как я сам их редачу через ии,  мои музыкальные альбомы есть на бусти

can you play this game on android using joiplay

Tem para android em português?


Xd i not eng man i'm russian sorry . I'm sorry, but I don't speak English very well. If you want to read the original Russian ;3

(2 edits) (+1)

 This game is amazing, why the discord server for this game is restricted? :( Also please fix the english grammer xd

 !! DO NOT PLAY WITH OLD SAVINGS THERE WILL BE WRONG BIOGRAPHY ( Wrong statuses, bios, pictures ) 0.03b

Привет коллега. Хотел бы с тобой поболтать на тему трудностей становления СНГ разработчиков. Я думал тебе в дискорд написать, а у тебя в него доступ только для тех кто финансово поддерживает. Не против?

Deleted 121 days ago
Deleted 121 days ago
(1 edit)

The story progressed too quickly at the beginning, to the point where I thought there was some prequel to the story


Will you be releasing a android version

Not yet, but it is planned in the future when the game will be fully ready


Do you have an Android version? Please

Not yet, but it is planned in the future when the game will be fully ready


I had forgotten to write my opinion on the game, came back hoping to find others saying they have outstanding love for the game...

Only to see there aren't any comments, which is just disappointing because this is an absolute hidden gem. I love the characters, story is interesting too, did not see the beginning coming. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE LILITH. 

I think this game has so much potential, I also love how you made "special scenes" you can control the pace and ones that are cinematic too. This game definitely is staying on my radar, and hope it gets the support it deserves because this is magnificent.

Thank you. It's my pleasure. ;3


Write an opinion about the game for me it is very important ;3